Mom asks schools to reimburse her for daughter's EpiPen used on classmate

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EpiPens save lives, but also cost a pretty penny.

A mother whose daughter carries an EpiPen on her at school is attempting to get the school to pay the $650 for a new dose of the lifesaving medicine after the pen was used to assist another student in duress. The mom is reportedly very happy that her daughter's EpiPen saved a classmate's life, but is understandably curious as to how to pay for a new one without coming off as greedy. It's a tough spot for her to be in!

Some of us may hear about this dilemma and think "why can't she just buy a new one and be done with it," but that is an oversimplification of her conundrum. For starters, the mom likely already bought a new EpiPen at her expense so that her daughter can continue carrying one at all times. $650 is a good chunk of change! To me, there is ZERO issue with asking the question that needs to be asked... who foots the bill?

My take: The school administrators should be thanksful that the mom's daughter had an EpiPen on her to save her classmate. I think the right thing would be for the school to pay the mom $650 and possibly take steps to keep one or more EpiPens on campus. You never know when a student may have a health emergency requiring an EpiPen and it's pretty clear that not every family can afford one of them, so it makes more sense to have some on campus rather than hope a classmate carries one that can be used on their peer.

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