Peyton Manning Surprises Online Class

Photo: Getty

Peyton Manning was known as a classy player in the NFL on and off the field, so it's not much of a surprise that he spread some cheer (while still social distancing) by joining one of his former professor's online classes right in the middle of a video groupchat. The interaction started with the professor, Dr. John Haas, playfully scolding a "Mister Thompson" for joining class late.

"I'm sorry Dr. Haas, it's been awhile.. since at least 1996" said a familiar voice. At that point, Manning's instantly recognizable face (and massive forehead) popped up as a video window among the group of astonished students, who had trouble finding the words to say much to the NFL legend. Manning went on to encourage the communications students to keep their heads up during a time when so many of us are stressed beyond belief and suggested that they try to learn something entirely new while they have the extra time to do so.

My favorite part is the end of the video right after Manning leaves the class chat when one student playfully chided the professor for not giving the class a heads up so she would've known to put on some makeup.

The main takeaway from all of this... Peyton Manning is a humble man who remembers where he came from and those who helped him learn along the way, especially Dr. Haas.

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