Professor Robert Kelly was sharing his insights on the deeply complex politics of the Korean peninsula when the door popped open and hilarity ensued.
First, one of his children confidently strutted in and right over to him. Next, his other child cruised right on through the doorway (did y'all see that speed?!) in his little baby buggy rolling chair.
FINALLY, Kelly's wife (not nanny, WIFE) skidded through the door and quickly took both children out..much to the little tykes' dismay.
Side note: I personally don't think the mom was too extreme with the kids. Just because they yelp doesn't mean they are being abused. It's also important to realize that airtime on nationally broadcast shows is extremely limited. While it may have been cooler in my mind if he picked one of the cuties up and held them for the rest of the segment, I can understand the pressure of being interrupted while live and it's a while different thinking pattern.
Enough of me though! What do YOU think?