According to an NPR report, 12 camels were disqualified from a CAMEL BEAUTY PAGEANT in Saudi Arabia.
You're probably wondering, how exactly you win a beauty contest? Turns out they're judged head, lip length, and ear size & shape among other factors. With the prize pool is $57 million, it's pretty easy to see why someone would cheat in the odd event.
Apparently, Botox injections (yes, THAT Dr. 90210 type of Botox) are used on the camels' lips, nose, and sometimes jawline. In recent years, event organizers even learned that a veterinarian was actually performing plastic surgery to beautify some of the camels.
Huh.... the more you know!
Listen to Scott on NOW 105.7 weekdays from 2-4 PM.
P.S. Just LOOK how graceful those beautifully majestic creatures are!